Sunday, April 12, 2015

Be Still and Know

Have you ever really thought about that verse? “Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 

To be still…that’s not very easy for me. I’m usually one to stay busy, getting things done, multi-tasking. Projects, work, kids, home…

 Wisteria 16

Although, this past winter has been different. I’ve had the painful “frozen shoulder” and have been limited physically. And then there was rain. Lots of rain. Stuck-inside-for-weeks kind of rain.

Wisteria 1

 It could have been a set-up for feeling sorry for myself, and wallowing in self-pity. But, I decided to take advantage of being still. To make the most out of my time doing nothing…without doing nothing.

Wisteria 6

I got a few new books to read. We’ve played a lot of games on the Wii U, and watched new shows on Netflix. We’ve talked a lot, laughed together. It’s been an easy-going, relaxing few months. It’s also given me more time to think, pray, and listen.

Wisteria 9

 I so adore that sweet time with the Lord. Before the kids wake up, the house is still, and it’s just HIM and me :) And I hear HIM. It’s amazing what can happen in the stillness. The sweet stillness. And I know that HE is God.

Wisteria 13

 Those two little words…BE STILL. It’s ironic, we say that to our children when we want them to stop, listen, and focus. Because we love them, and want them to learn, without missing what’s important.

Wisteria 17

And yet, it’s the very commandment God, our Heavenly father gives us. “Be still, and know that I am God”. He loves us that much. He doesn’t want us to miss what’s important.

Wisteria 3

My sister-friend, Amy, just went back home to Tennessee…after we spent a few days relaxing, talking, enjoying each other’s company. It’s a special time for us, because we live so far apart. I look so forward to our time together, because it’s not often we see each other. So, we make it count. We laugh, eat a lot, cook, pray, talk, and listen. It’s like my heart heals a little more from losing my mom, every time we are together :) And I cherish that time. And I’m thankful for her friendship. Time to just sit still together.

Wisteria 19

Although frozen shoulder has not been a fun experience, I’m thankful for my time this winter that I’ve had to be still. Maybe that’s right where God wanted me. Just sitting. Just listening.

It’s my favorite place to be :)



  1. I love you my sister. I needed that time with you desperately. It fills me up til the next time.

  2. At times... being still is the hardest thing to do. At least for me. But necessary!
    Here's to continued healing....

  3. How so very sweet to have a cherished friend in Amy. God knows when we need those human contacts to fill our heart back with joy. Becky, this is one of my favorite Bible verses, this and "walk by faith, not by sight". Like you, when I am still and sitting alone in the quiet of the day, this is when I hear God whisper to me. Sometimes it is more like a shout out to me! Our father wants nothing more than to have us close to him, to understand that he loves us so very much. His blessings and guidance is evident if we just pause, take notice of the gifts in front of us, and to trust in his presence.

    Thank you for such a beautiful, beautiful post. Do take good care of yourself. LIfe is precious.


  4. Very nice...
    Michelle from

  5. Becky, this is a beautiful read as I drink my coffee and am being still myself this am.

    I wish you good things, dear. Healing of shoulder, heart, mind and soul.

    Lovely pictures and lovely message, thank you. Hugs of comfort for you.

  6. Be stIll....Amen ...!!....but always hard to find silence in this busy world.........lovely week take care Ria...x!

  7. What an inspiration you are! I hope you are feeling better soon.

  8. Becky, you are so lucky to have such a good friend. Sometimes, we don't even realize how much we are always moving until we stop and listen to Him. Best wishes for continued healing and peace. Your photography in this post was beautiful.

  9. Yup, God gives us speed bumps for a reason ! :-) Hope your healing is complete.

  10. I have followed your blog for awhile and rarely comment, but this post moved me. This Psalm is my favorite, I actually have this posted in my home office. I struggle with "being still" and listening to God's voice, it's still a process, but every single time I go to that still place, I hear Him and can feel His guidance In this path that I am on. It provides a peace. Lovely post, thank you.

  11. So lovely and so true! God is so awesome! I feel so blessed to know I can always talk to him ad know that I can count on him to help me in any situation! I loved your message and take care! Love you blog and decor! Get better! Blessings,Cindy

  12. Be Still... Placing God first is his request all things will be answered through him.
    Sorry to hear you have been struggling with joint pain that surely is keeping you for all the daily joy. Your home is so pleasing to God, your love for family and prayer is apparent to him and those that share with you here.
    I am so taken with your white chippy distressed bucket and your wisteria bouquet, just so Farmhouse romantic.


    Your dinning room space calls out to sit along side of you as a friend.

    "Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men,
    for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."
    ~ Psalm 107: 8-9

    A beautifully Blessed April, healing prayer.

