Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Crate Coffee Table and A Story About Me

They told me it was a vintage crab cage…but it looks like a chicken crate to me :) Whatever it was, now it’s a coffee table- in our family room. I’m drawn to the raw wood mixed with all the white…

You know what? I’m not an interior decorator. I actually have a degree in Elementary Education with Kindergarten certification :) I taught K & 1st graders for about 13 years…and they were some of the best years of my life! And you’ll just laugh when I tell you this…I moved the furniture around in my classroom EVERY.single.week.


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My neighbor teacher would hear the screeching of the tables sliding across the floor, and she would open my classroom door and say “You’re re-arranging AGAIN?”…gosh I miss her :)

My little students could count on one thing, the room was always changing. At that time, I had no idea that I was practicing for my next adventure…an adventure in decorating my home.

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When God provided new careers for my husband & me…then I had more time and energy to put into my home. One little DIY project at a time, it has evolved into a house we love. Not to confuse house with home…to me, the house is the structure. However, your home is how it feels inside. I wanted our home to feel comfortable, welcoming, cozy, and most of all- a place where my family could enjoy being together.


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So where do you start? How do you find your style? What if you have a small budget?

You take one room at a time. That’s what we did. We decided we liked the “farmhouse look”. Do we live in a real farmhouse? No, not yet :) Therefore, we had to create the look ourselves. We painted one room at a time, added flea market furniture, and got new light fixtures. I had inspiration photos to refer to on my computer. But other than that, I just gathered things I LOVE.

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I say all this to say…YOU can do it, too! You can makeover your home little by little. Gather inspiration first. PINTEREST is an amazing site to start with. Take a look at my Den Ideas Board HERE…you’ll notice that all my chosen photos have things in common. Raw wood, white, vintage items, chandeliers, white sofas, etc.

Yes, your Pinterest boards can tell so much about you :)

But, most of all, find things that you love, put it all together, and you’ll create a room that you love!!

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Inspiration is everywhere in today’s world. Blogs, magazines, Instagram, and Pinterest have ideas galore. Just remember…stay true to what YOU love. No one can create the home YOU love most, except for YOU.

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Sometimes I look back through old photos of our house when I first started blogging, and I say- “what in the world was I thinking???” Yes, I learn by trial and error. I put things up, I take them down. I re-arrange furniture, only to put it right back where it started. I style a room one day, re-style the next. My home is just a work in progress. And isn’t that the fun part? The journey and adventure of creating your home.

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So, what about you? Where are you on your journey of creating your home? Are you just starting out? Are you starting over? Or, maybe you are a veteran, and you’ve settled in? I’d love for you to tell me your story :)

And, I hope you like my crate coffee table :)

I’m joining French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday


Share Your Style Spring Blog Hop



  1. Ugh everything about yor home is just beautiful! Love!! I guess I'm in the starting over but almost done phase. I use to have all black furniture and earth toned colors. Now I have all white furniture in the living room and white and oak in the kitchen. I've also been finding my style this past year and never really loved the black furniture it was just my first pieces my husband and I bought years ago when we first moved in together that were cheap. I'm sure we've all been there before though and it's been fun finding my style!

  2. Your home is not only beautiful, but it is also so welcoming. It's my home away from home.

  3. So funny Becky I feel the same way about my home.When I first started my blog my home was totally different and not me at all. But I have slowly transformed my home vintage style even though we have a newer home (now 8 years old). I too hope to have a farmhouse someday...we will see if it ever happens.For now I am thankful and very blessed at the home we have.Love your style ....such a beautiful home!

  4. I love your style & blog so much !! Sometimes are degrees are totally different then our calling...I have a CJ & paralegal degree..but look what I'm doing with it..BLOGGING- My True Passion. Sometimes life is just crazy like that!



  5. Your blog is so refreshing & inviting. Simple beauty that soothes the soul! Thank you for the encouraging words that one only needs to find their passion & create their own unique style. Blessings to you! :-)

  6. I love your new coffee table, it's perfect. I long for the day I find a chicken coop for sale.

    I'm kind of new at this whole decorating thing but I am moving next month and really look forward to working on our new home, one room at a time. So far my Pinterest boards tell me that I love pastels with a vintage/rustic vibe. I just have to remember to take it slow and to keep in mind that it's all a work in progress, I don't need blog-worthy rooms right away. It's hard to remember that sometimes when I see inspirational photos like yours so it's nice to hear your story to remind me that you did it one room at a time too.

  7. Yes, it is definitely a chicken coop! I have both coop! Well done! I also had a glass top made for mine for extra durability and purpose.

  8. Your heart and home are inspiring, Becky! Love it all and that fabulous patch work pillow!!! Might have to make one! And yes, we all need to surround ourselves with things that we love and create that wonderful sanctuary we call home. At our house, we are in a season of change. Because of all of the changes, we aren't able to address the things we want to do in and around our home, but we will soon. Just making some very minor changes and additions right now, with bigger things like paint and new furnishings to come. Can't wait!! Thanks for sharing sweetie, and encouraging everyone to be true to themselves.


  9. You do it so well. Your home is so beautiful. Thanks for the nice inspiration.
    Lonni from Denmark

  10. I like the crate coffee table very much and I'm too a fan of farmhouse style. I find myself adding more and more and simplifying more and more. Enjoyed your post.

  11. Hi Becky....lovely ria....x!

  12. great pictures
    very beaurtiful
    Suplemen Kecantikan

  13. I love that cute crate coffee table! That was such a clever idea. It looks perfect in your charming farmhouse style home. I love "thinking outside the box" like that. Thanks for linking it up to Share Your Style too!

  14. I absolutely loved your post today! So many things hit home and especially the fact that your reader all love interior design. I guess that is way we all gather around these beautiful blogs and become friends. I would love to have you stop by some time. Have a beautiful day! Jo

  15. Your room, and home, is so pretty, Becky. I am especially enjoying how you defined house vs. home. So very true. I am currrently tweaking our home style, albeit by spending very little. I have sold lots of pieces that looked nice but not completely suiting the look and space I am going for. It is a process but a bonus is that I have made some much needed cash lol.

  16. I love your coffee table but I love everything you do! I have a chicken crate that looks real similar - but yours is way "cooler"! Love your style, love your blog, love your sweet spirit! Best Wishes with Everything!

  17. I've seen crates/cages in flea markets and antique stores before. I've always thought they were wonderful decor and unusual. Looks wonderful!
