Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hydrangeas and Prairie Style Magazine Giveaway

Hi friends!

How is everyone? Ready for school to be out? Ready for summer?

Me too!! Our kids have 2 more days! Oh boy, has this month been BUSY!


I just had to share these photos I took last month…of gorgeous white & lime green hydrangeas.  But I have to admit, I didn’t grow these. They are from a friends’ yard.

She said I could come get all I wanted :)


This zinc bucket is from a shop in Texas. It’s very unique and has old wooden handles.


I really wish the blooms would last longer…hated to see them droop and throw them out.

But I sure did enjoy them while they lasted.  I could photograph flowers all day long :)






And guess what came in the mail!! My copy of the latest Prairie Style Magazine!

Remember, back in January, Fifi and Mark came to photograph our home?

Prairie style 3

It’s a gorgeous issue! I have seen the magazine on stands everywhere!

If you haven’t gotten a copy yet, hurry and get one soon!

Prairie style 2 

We were so excited to see that our kids and English bulldog made it into the feature :)


Here is a shot of our master bedroom that was one of my favorites.


I’d like to thank Fifi (along with her sweet sister) and Mark for being such a fun group to welcome into our home. It is a sweet memory I’ll cherish forever :)


And yes, I’m having a giveaway for one copy of Prairie Style Magazine!!

Just do the following to enter:

1. Follow Buckets of Burlap Blog

2. Like Prairie Style Magazine on FACEBOOK

3. Like Buckets of Burlap on FACEBOOK

4. SHARE the giveaway on FACEBOOK

5. Leave a comment ON THIS POST or FACEBOOK to enter :)

I’ll announce a winner of the magazine on Friday, May 23rd.

Thanks so much for following along on my blog!

Enjoy your week!



  1. I love your blog.....I love your home.....would love to win the giveaway....


  2. Everything is lovely. TFS and I hope I win the prizes:)

  3. I would love to win this magazine. I'm a Facebook "liker" and "follower". Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. Oh Becky, this is soooooo exciting and I just overjoyed for you and your family. You must be so so proud. (I know I am of you, haha!)

    About hydrangeas: if they start to droop cut on angle again on stem bottom and then drench them in a sink full of cold water - they're perk up and give you more life indoors. Once the second drooping starts just tie them up upside down and hang them in the basement to dry - they dry so nicely for nice end of summer/.fall arrangements. So you kinda get 3x the use of those beautiful blooms.

    Your friend neighbor is a dear to share! As you know we all had a nasty winter and I lost a lot of my established plants. I am keeping an eye on my peony - keeping my fingers crossed, or I shall have to go to MY neighbors and get some of theirs...............

    Last but not least I am and have been a follower of your wonderful blog - p lease count me in for the giveaway, I sooooooooooooo want a copy - can't find them on the stands here, I think they're being all gobbled up by tasteful readers! Thank you for the opportunity!!!!!! Again, yay, congrats!

  5. Your home is gorgeous as is that wonderful bucket.

    I have no luck with hydrangeas in a vase of water - they go limp immediately. I am hoping to dry hydrangeas this year, but my plants have not bloomed yet.

    I am already a follower so now I have to go over the facebook to do some "liking".

  6. HI!!! I love your home!!!! I love the headboard!!!! The hydrangeas are beautiful!!!! Thanks for the fun give away!!!

  7. I like Buckets of Burlap on FB, Prairie Style Mag on FB, and follow you on GFC. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  8. I have shared this on Facebook, like you on Facebook Prairie Style Magazine on Facebook and follow you through my email!! Love it all!! Beautiful pictures!!

  9. Love the master bedroom. The tub at the foot of the bed is wonderful. :)

  10. YES, I follow!! Would love to win a copy of Prairie Style Magazine!! Thanks for the chance!

  11. I love hydrangeas too! I'm following all of the above on FB!

  12. Wowwww Becky !!! love your home in Fifi magazine ...congratulations..what a sweet boy your son and what a lovely dog.....please count me in......love to win this magazine ......love from me Ria...x !

  13. Whoa, those hydrangeas look artificial they're SO vibrant! I LOVE them! I wish I could say I had real ones like this filling my yard! They fit perfectly in your home & on your gorgeous Blog!!


  14. Your home looks lovely in the magazine feature!
    Mary Alice

  15. I would love to win this magazine-love your decorating style! I check for postings from you everyday-glad to see a new one.

  16. Would love to be entered and congrats on your beautiful home feature!

  17. Long time follower.. Love .. love your blog !

  18. Beautiful hydrangeas... I can`t wait when my will bloom. Your house looks gorgeous in the magazine! I love it. Fifi send me a copy via her GA on the blog. I am so happy and thankful. I wouldn`t be able to buy it here in Europe... Enjoy your week too, Alexandra

  19. Your home is stunningly beautiful - congrats on your feature in the magazine! I've been a long-time follower of your blog. Thanks for a chance at winning a copy of the magazine!
    Amy M.

  20. Hi Becky,

    I'm sooooo ready for school to be out and for things to slow down! My son being a senior in High School has added a lot more activity this Spring.

    Congrats on your home being published. You know I've always loved it and your style:-)

    Have a great week!


  21. What an exciting time for you! I follow your blog and always look forward to new posts.

  22. I spy that awesome tub in your master bedroom! Love it! :) Congrats! Congrats to you on this awesome publication! Your home is my dream home and I love looking at your photos over and over again! :)

    Have a wonderful week,


  23. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Drooling over here. :)

  24. Love Love Love your website and magazine. The pictures are such an inspiration to go ahead and do my kitchen makeover. Can't wait! Thanks for the beautiful ideas.

  25. I don't know how I missed this post. I'm glad I went looking for you! I know you are proud. I absolutely love your style, but my favorite photo among all the wonderful design is the one of that precious little boy and his dog. He's a darling. This has to be your favorite too! I'll look for this magazine in the stores, but maybe I'll win it anyway.

  26. i'm a fan of your blog! love it here!

  27. Already a fan of on facebook too! :)

  28. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a copy of this beautiful magazine! i'm a fan everywhere! much love, tracie

  29. Love your style and thanks for the chance to win :)

  30. J'aime beaucoup l'ambiance de ce blog! Je me suis permise de mettre un lien sur mon blog!
    A bientôt!

  31. So sorry to have missed your giveaway. Bummer! But, I did want to comment that I LOVE the idea of the tub at the foot of your bed. So handy for storing the decorative pillows every night. I wind up piling my pillows on my chaise lounge every night (which works), but then I can't use the chaise lounge if I can't sleep and feel like getting up in the middle of the night to read.

  32. Congratulations on your feature! So exciting!
