Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring in the Garden & Waking Up

Happy Friday, friends!

Do you have big plans for the weekend? I hope you get to do something wonderful, wherever you are!!

Here, we are staying home all weekend and getting “projects” done…like cleaning out the chicken coop, and gardening chores :)

Lilacs 2 

Guess what!! My lilac bush sprouted back very happily this spring! I was so excited to see the pretty purple blooms…so I brought them inside to enjoy for a few days last week.

Lilacs 5

The purple is a nice contrast to the vintage fishing basket, don’t you think? 

Lilacs 4 

And the floppy garden hat belonged to my sweet mom, whom I miss dearly this time of year…as she adored working in her garden too, wearing her hat proudly :)

Lilacs 1

I also added some lilac blooms to a vintage cutting board.

Lilacs 8


Lilacs 7 

There is no better therapy for me, than when I’m in my garden working…do any of you relate with this same feeling? I guess it has something to do with the long, cold gray winter that we endured this year. It seemed as though a bit of my soul was sleeping…it was like I lost my “mojo” for decorating or fluffing my nest the last several months. I lost the desire to change things around, refresh a room, or let alone blog about NOT decorating. I guess that explains my extended absence during the winter. I was hibernating with my family. Snuggling, reading, learning, pinning…

And now I’m awake :) Feeling as though the sun shining is God extending His hands to say “get moving, get busy, create, and pick up that camera again”.  And I’m so happy it’s Spring! Isn’t God’s creation of the seasons even to bring us exactly what we need?


And here are a few photos from the “flower gardens” around our house…so many things are blooming right now.  This is called an “almond bush”.

Spring garden 1

Spanish lavender

Spring garden 2


Spring garden 4

And the red buds are just about all gone…

Spring garden 3

And that is what’s blooming around here!! What about your flower gardens? Are you planting anything I should know about? Are you awake from the long, cold winter yet?

I’d love for you to follow my Garden Pinterest Board HERE. I am always pinning beautiful garden ideas and garden sheds…which I’m hoping is our next project to start on. I’ll keep you updated :)

Have a fabulous weekend!



  1. Hello Becky ..yes i have a lot of plants outside but no garden we live in a appartement we have two plants i have made a post Yet from outside.......maybe next week on my blog...all is white plants in one your plants....and lilacs......enjoy the weekend" Ria...x!

  2. Oh my Goodness Becky~! I fell EXACTLY the same way. The weather has broken here in Ontario and things are starting to awaken in my garden. I LOVE spring and I feel like I am coming alive after a long long deep winter slumber. I am cleaning out gardens today ~ Yay! Hope your weekend is warm sunny and wonderful ;-)

  3. favorite! Your photos are just gorgeous of them. Mine are still tiny buds and I can't wait for them to bloom:-)

    Enjoy your weekend...I'm heading outside right now!


  4. Beautiful Lilacs Becky ...i like these lila color very much....your Pictures are so gorgeous.....greetings from Marjon

  5. Your flowers are gorgeous and so are your pictures! It was warm in NY today and I'm looking forward to some flowers!
    Susan @Homeroad

  6. Dear Becky!
    I' m glad that you are back!!!!!!
    And like you I love to be in my garden or in the nature!
    I looooove your fishing basket and the hat of your dear mom!
    You have such a beautiful home!
    I admire you and I wish you a very happy Easter with your family!
    With love,

  7. So glad to see you back to blogging, Becky! It WAS a long, cold winter, wasn't it? But the earth has awaken to spring time and all the glorious flowers it brings! Ours are just poking their little heads up from the ground, but at this point....even that's exciting! :)

    xoxo laurie

  8. Hi Becky, I am so glad to read a post from you...
    We had a mild winter in our country, without snow and it was really warm. The spring here began also too early... I was able to plant so many flowers in March!
    Your lilacs are so beautiful. I can`t wait my own to bloom... but maybe in 1 week they will...
    I do follow your Pinterest. You have beautiful pics there...
    If you want to see my garden, please visit my blog
    Have a nice week, Alexandra

  9. I am feeling the same way! No lilacs on our bushes yet. My mind is full of ideas after the long winter. A few more blooms coming out every day.

  10. What a beautiful it!
    Take care and have a lovely friday...

  11. Hi Becky! I love this post! I tried to find an email address for you but couldn't find one, so I'll let you know what it was about here. I started a Summer Home Tour Series that started on the 6th (yesterday) and runs through the end of August. I would love to have your home in our feature line-up if you would have the time to put a post tour together. It is focusing on summer, but doesn't have to be new pictures. If you check out the post that was featured first, she did it with pictures she had already on her blog. I hope you'll join us since we have great blogs contributing and yours is such a favorite of mine! You can email me at and visit my blog at
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and blog with us. It is always so inspiring!
