Friday, May 23, 2014

Roses and Rusty Hinge

Happy weekend friends!

Thanks to all of you who entered the giveaway of Prairie Style Magazine!

The winner is comment #4, Michele, at The Nest at Finch Rest! Congratulations!


Pink roses 1

I have been spending a lot time in our garden lately. Many flowers came back strong this year, including these gorgeous pink roses. I had to bring some inside to enjoy.

Pink roses 2


pink roses 5


pink roses 4

And I’m sure you have heard of Maria from the blog Rusty Hinge...well

Shop Rusty Hinge

Maria's shop is NOW OPENED!

She sells beautiful French vintage wares! And her home was just featured in the Best of Flea Market Style Magazine! I hope you get a chance to visit her shop soon…and she has a sale going on NOW :)

Have a fabulous Memorial Day weekend. God Bless all who served and are now serving our great country. I’m thankful for all of you!



  1. Dear Becky,

    Oh my GOSH!!!!
    Thank you so so so so much, I am truly absolutely excited about this awesome giveaway win! WHOO HOO!!!!

    Your pink roses are absolutely gorgeous.

    Have a wonderful remainder of weekend, and thanks from the bottom of my heart! ♥


  2. Oh WOW! Thank you, THANK YOU so very much for sending your wonderful friends over to my new shop, Becky! :) You made my day!! :)

  3. Love the watering can filled with flowers. Your backdrops are always beautiful too! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Beautiful flowers and photos. Regards.

  5. Hi Becky i am also sitting outside Reading blogs with my iPad....enjoy you your rosses .....and i love the new shop from

  6. Such beautiful old fashioned roses! Our house used to have a huge rose bush like that by our front porch...oh how I loved sitting on the porch swing and smelling those roses.

  7. I am charmed with your blog!!!! Congratulations!!
    An embrace
