Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Looking Forward

What a rush of a year 2015 seemed to be! I truly can not believe it’s over and here we are…2016, thank God it’s a brand new year!

 Christmas was so fun! It was good to have our family all together and slow down to just focus on each other.

Over the Christmas break, my sweet husband took us on a surprise visit to a farm here in North Louisiana to see Scottish Highland cattle. They are the prettiest cows ever!

 The calves looked like little bears…and they stuck close to their mamas.
 The girls were very friendly…and curious to meet us.
The farm was beautiful with rolling hills and a lake.

Their faces were amazing…not to mention the fluffy hair-dos :)
The sun was shining and it was a perfect escape right before the hustle of Christmas.

Have you ever been glad to see a year come to an end? This was exactly how we felt about closing the door on 2015! We are looking forward to what God is going to do this year! Many blessings to you and your family in 2016!!

Have you been organizing or cleaning out your home for the new year? I love to rearrange a few things and do some deep cleaning and organizing…for a fresh new start.  I’ll share with you some of the changes real soon.
Have a lovely week!


  1. OH wow...that is a really nice blog about a beautiful home...I love really every of your pictures...found you a few moments ago at the www....iam so happy about that...

    Can't wait to see and read your next post.

    Greetings from
    Shabby Chic & Co.

  2. Yesss, I know this feeling. I was so glad, that 2015 was over - and oiii, I cleaned this little home by throwing THINGS out. Tooooo much stuff and I reduced, reduced, and it was really good to da so. A new year, a new life.
    So sweet, these guys with the fluffy hairstyle ;)) I just teased my son, he has the same hairstyle ;)))
    Happy greetings from Méa, who is looking foreward to this upcoming new year :))

  3. Becky ....what a beautiful your tree and gift under it.....have a Nice Ria x❤️

  4. I think 2015 must have been a rough year for a lot of us for some reason, not only personally, but globally. I'm with you! 2016 just has to be better.

  5. Happy New Year! The Highland cattle are lovely aren't they?! 2015 was a time of transition in my husband's job situation and already 2016 is looking better as he just accepted a full time position with a company he had been doing agency work with. We have also been doing a lot of organizing, deep cleaning and getting rid of stuff. I am looking forward to getting started on painting our upstairs rooms.

  6. 2015 was a trying year for me! Wow. Moved 3 times, finally purchased my first home, desperately hunted for a job in my field for 8 MONTHS until finally landing my dream job in my field! And now I am fully ready for 2016 and to see what it brings now that some major things in my life have settled! Thank you for this post .. your home is beautiful - you have the most unique coffee table! Amazing. Have a wonderful day!


  7. Aren't those cows the cutest? We were lucky enough to go to Scotland in September and I fell in love with them. Now I want a farm just so I can have a herd of highlanders. Fat chance, but I can dream.

  8. What strange hairy cows ... I had never seen so...have a good weekend!!

  9. Hi Becky, yep have been cleaning so much - oh my word I still have soooo much more to do. I need to tackle my clothes closet this week. Thank God we have seperate walk-in closests though. I am not brave enough to touch his, haha.

    Your home looked so beautiful for Christmas, I love your light style, so pretty. Hope your new year is going well for you. Hugs.

  10. Such a beautiful farmhouse!! thank you for sharing!!
    I love vintage farm decor!!

  11. Hello Becky! So happy to have found your blog and the inspiration you share. Looking forward to many return visits!

  12. Hi Becky,
    I love your farmhouse, truly my style if I found that perfect farm :)
    I see you and your family enjoyed a bit of livestock here, brave you guys are, I would fear getting this scary close.
    Your home is always a go to for farmstead shabby, love your clean rustic white style. I have little rooms and often envy ones with more openness to move things about, I have been making ticking pillows, and introducing black into my white home, French farmhouse style in this latest post.

    Well my dear hope to see a new post soon, the beauty of your Christmas is all so calm.

