Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Grainsack Curtain

The heat has been almost unbearable here the last few weeks! We’ve tried to keep our window blinds closed and doors shut to keep our cold air from escaping :/

Here at the kitchen sink, this little window lets a lot of evening sun inside.


In order to keep some of the direct sunlight out, I decided to use one of my grainsacks as a curtain…no-sew is the best kind, right!

Using three little tacks, I attached the grainsack horizontally directly above the window.

Then I used a ribbon to gather the center and tied it up in the back :)


Now, just the right amount of sunlight comes through the window…and I can drop the ribbon in the middle to completely block out the sun during the hottest part of the day :)


On a side note, I usually don’t like hot pink…but these crepe myrtle blooms were so bright and cheery I clipped some to bring inside. I used an ironstone tureen (that I found for 5$!!) to display them next to the sink :)


And the sign? It came from a local antique mall last year. Sometimes I hang it above the stove, just for a little change. I’ve also hung it from my mirror in our bedroom. A touch of black seems to work in our kitchen with the black cooktop.


And I brought in this vintage wooden tote, put white pitchers inside, and added some more pink blooms. This vintage tote has so many possibilities. It could house spices, silverware, napkins, or a small bowl of fruit.


Are you having record hot temps in your area? I’d love to hear how you beat the heat indoors this summer :)


And remember, follow me HERE on INSTAGRAM to get daily updates and photos of our farmhouse as I change things up around here :)

Also, I’m now ON PERISCOPE HERE under Buckets of Burlap…where you can watch live videos of short tours of our farmhouse :)

One more fabulous place to find many home & garden bloggers is on the bHOME APP, where you can find me too :)

Thanks so much for stopping by today!



  1. Your grainsack curtain is perfect. So Farmhouse Cottage charming!

    We have been in heatwave after heatwave since April here in Northern California. We bought a lot of market umbrellas, five, and placed them near our windows to provide extra shelter from the heat coming in through the windows. One umbrella has been used to shade our newly planted English rose garden and it has really helped it to survive. We are in a drought with water it has been a difficult, long, hot Summer.

  2. That's a good idea and it looks beautiful. We are in Ontario, Canada and the temps are +30C and up everyday the last week. That would be close to 90 - 100 F. We are sweltering here.

  3. My love at first sight ♥ Alexandra

  4. Breathtaking treasures, Becky, wow. The grainsacks should keep the hot rays out with stile :)))
    Greetings from cooler Hamburg in Germany, tomorrow the heat will be back here too. Méa

  5. I will definitely follow you on periscope. Isn't it a wonderful thing. I get Nerium updates there for my business too. I can't wait to check out your tips. I don't blog as much as I used to. Always love what you do.

  6. I just love your kitchen Becky! and I love the curtain!

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