Monday, May 4, 2015

Herbs & Photography


Two of my favorite things in the world are fresh herbs and taking photos :)

But you probably knew that already…with all the herb photos I share this time of year.

Fresh herbs 2 

I’ve learned a lot about growing herbs by reading and researching which ones grow best here in north Louisiana…but I’ve learned the most about growing herbs by actually growing herbs.

Fresh herbs 3

 Chives, lavender, rosemary, and sage are just a few of my favorite herbs to grow. I love how the chives bloom pretty purple flowers this time of year.


Photography…I love taking pictures. I have learned so much about taking photos over the last few years. I got very interested in photography when I started this blog.

Fresh herbs 5

 We purchased a Nikon D5000 several years ago, mainly to take sports photos of our kids. And when I started this blog, I was determined to learn to shoot in manual…because I was so inspired by other bloggers who had gorgeous photos.

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 So, I set out to learn all I could about aperture, ISO and shutter speed. I read many photography blogs and posts, like THIS ONE and THIS ONE. And now, there are hundreds of articles, photos, and charts/diagrams full of photography information to learn from on Pinterest.

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But, once again…just like with growing herbs, I learned the most by practicing taking photos. I turned on my camera and practiced photographing every little thing. I stayed with the manual setting until I started understanding exactly what the numbers meant. And it got easier and easier.  

Fresh herbs 12

I looked at blogs and magazines…paying close attention to the angles and focus of the photos. Then I practiced taking photos at different angles, focusing on different parts, and perspectives. And I fell in love with taking pictures. I enjoy making simple little things, like herbs or a soap dish, appealing to the eye :)


Have you ever heard of the GIMP Image Manipulation program? Well, that’s what I use for photo editing. It’s much like Photoshop, but GIMP is FREE HERE :)

You can enhance the lighting, add watermark, or crop photos. It’s a great tool to use for photo editing.


 So, what about you? Have you learned to shoot in manual?


 These photos were just for fun. A photo shoot of herbs, ironstone, goats milk soap, and a flower frog :) Just because :)

Have a lovely week everyone!



  1. Love your photography skills! I'll be checking out your links. I would love to be able to shoot on manual as well. I bought a good camera but it is more or less collecting dust, my little point and shoot is so much more convenient to keep in my purse and pull out when I want quick photos. Well done..... it is quite an accomplishment to be able to capture the light and shoot as well as you do! I'll check out GIMP as well, I'm not doing any better with photoshop than I am with shooting on manual. As with anything else, it takes time and practice....gotta make the time!

  2. Lovely !,!!.......have a Nice week Becky love Ria...x!

  3. I love how you set things in your photos Becky! I like to display herbs too... I have never learned taking photos in manual mode - I mean, I know how it works, but I rather shoot in aperture priority mode, when I don`t need to set the time :-) Have a lovely week... Alexandra

  4. Becki you clearly have the picture taken thing down. They are gorgeous! Have a beautiful day! Jo

  5. I too have an infatuation with Fresh Herbs and Photography... and Thank You for Sharing the GIMP site... now I'm off to Experiment! Happy Spring from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. so lovely and clean..... where did you get that natural goat soap?

  7. absalutly stunning, look at that lavender! I just love fresh herbs :)
