Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Big Announcement

Hey everyone! I have exciting news to share with you!

We’re hosting a BARN SALE! And you’re invited :)

Holiday Barn Sale 2014


I’ve had this God-sized dream in my heart for a few years now…and it’s becoming a reality. And my heart is overjoyed!

Last summer we hosted two Barn Sales …without a barn or vendors.  And it was fun, but we have such a bigger vision.


Well, guess what?? We have a Barn! However, it needed so much work! There were holes in the roof, metal torn away, and rotten boards. The structure needed major repair. It also had to be cleaned out…from several years of  neglect and storing unused stuff.  Overwhelming…but possible :)


So, my husband and I stood in the barn and decided to tackle the task ourselves.


It has been quite an undertaking! Replacing boards, new/old metal, and hauling off loads of trash…  But it’s coming together.


Sharing a little of our hearts with you…

We’ve always enjoyed this small farm where we live. It’s captivating to our souls. The open space, the pond, and rolling pastures is refreshing. And we want to welcome guests here to be able to experience a taste of the countryside. 


And most of all, we want those who visit to feel blessed and inspired when they leave.


So, with thankful hearts, we want to invite you to our Barn Sale!

Holiday Barn Sale 2014

I would be honored if you would share our above Invitation on your blog, Google+, Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook page.

Also, if you are interested in being a part of our Barn Sale as a Vendor/Merchant, please email me @

Thanks for reading my blog! And thanks in advance, for getting the word out about our Barn Sale!



  1. Becky, I am sooooo happy for you! What an awesome undertaking! It's times like these I wish I wasn't in OHIO! Best of luck, boy is it ever gonna be neat to see this happen and read all about it. YAY!!!!!

  2. So thrilled this dream is becoming a reality. I am so happy to be able to be a part of it.

  3. What a fantastic job you have done on the renovation, so sad I live worlds away as I would definitely be heading over to meet you and see what delights you have for sale.

    Lee :)

  4. Owwwww Becky why do you live so far away.....i like to come ....!!!! from me!

  5. Your dream is my dream too and I am working on it! I am so excited for you and my only wish is to live closer so I could participate. I know it's going to be a hugggggggggggggge hit! xo

  6. AWESOME!! I can't wait to see your barn dressed up!

  7. So lovely! This will be just great...
    Warm hug,

  8. Would love to be there, so wish I lived so much closer :(
    It's going to be a beautiful holiday your here with you.

    Thank you for the open invitation, will love to see the follow up photos.


  9. AWESOME!! Beautiful photos! I can't wait to see your barn dressed up!

  10. Definitely wish it was a closer drive from Baton Rouge!

  11. It will be awesome Becky! I so wish I could get there!!!!! I'm sure you and your hubby will have it looking amazing with all the fantastic talents you all share! I use to have lots of people visit our farm when we would have our annual "Fall Harvest" gathering. I loved that day - it was something I looked forward to all year. I'm sure your guests will take away a lot that day - treasures for sure - but more importantly - friendships, laughs and happy memories. Best wishes for a very happy Barn Sale!
