Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bring Spring Inside and the Pottery Barn Blog

Hey sweet friends! Is everyone keeping warm? It’s been soooo cold, hasn’t it?

But, last week, while we had gorgeous warm days, I brought some herbs and blooms inside to enjoy….

Pear blossoms at my kitchen window and in a vintage milk jug:

kitchen details 6

kitchen details 4

Rosemary and lavender hanging from my drying rack:

kitchen details 1

kitchen details 9


kitchen details 2

More lavender {mixed with store-bought stock}

kitchen details 3

And sweet mint

kitchen details 7

I really love having the various herbs in the garden to use while cooking…so this year I planted a few more varieties.  Maybe this Easter weekend it will be warm enough to work in the garden again. What are you planning for your garden this year?

Also, did you know that Pottery Barn has a BLOG?? Well, I want to say THANKS to The Pottery Barn Blog for featuring our kitchen today! I’m honored to be included in the SHOW & TELL section on Pottery Barn's Blog HERE

I hope you all have a fabulous Easter week! Thanks for visiting my blog :)



  1. Hurray for you being on the blog! I will pop in to have a look at your feature! Good for you!

    I wish our weather was warmer to get out in the garden. The second best thing is to bring the flowers and herbs indoors...so pretty!


  2. congrats! I had no idea they had a blog... I can't for the life of me figure out how to follow the blog??? besides just liking on facebook.

  3. I could look at your blog all day long. Unfortunately It has its drawbacks.... I am house hunting and no kitchen could compare to yours without a lot of money thrown into it....

  4. Hi Becky...yay...love all your photos today!

  5. I love your pear blossoms. My mother has had a pear tree growing outside her bedroom window for years. I am going to check out pottery barn's blog...

  6. Congratulations on the mention in PB! I'll look forward to checking it out. Your herbs and the lemon look so pretty. When the weather is cold it's nice to have fresh flowers, herbs, and fruit in the kitchen.


  7. Your herbs and flowers look just beautiful. I totally love the last photo with the water, lemon, and mint.

    I am going to head over to the Pottery Barn blog now and look at your beautiful kitchen over there. Smart people to share your blog on their blog.

  8. I love fresh herbs, too. There is nothing like them to put a pop of flavor in the dish you are making. Great post, Becky. Hope you have a wonderful Easter- xo Diana

  9. Love your kitchen Becky !!!...love from me....xxx..

  10. Congratulations Becky! Your kitchen is beautiful! So wonderful to see it featured on Pottery Barn!

  11. Becky your kitchen is very pretty. All those bread boards look wonderful against the white. Congrats on your feature.

  12. Congrats on your feature, Becky! I always love looking at your photos! You have so so many interesting things and such a great way of displaying things. I love the berry baskets and the vintage milk jug! Hope you're having a good week. xo

  13. Becky,
    Your kitchen is so pretty. I loved all the pictures just gorgeous. Happy Easter.

  14. Your feature on the PB Blog is awesome, Becky! Your spring blooms and herbs look so fresh and pretty in your kitchen - very inspiring!

  15. Congrats on being featured at the Pottery Barn blog!! Your kitchen is so pretty!!

  16. Wow! How exciting for you to be featured on the Pottery Barn Blog! I am so happy for you! Such a beautiful and inspiring post!

  17. Hello Becky!
    Thanks for your beautiful inspiring photos!
    I loooove your kitchen!
    Happy Easter for you and your family!
    With love, Geli

  18. Where did you get your black labels that are on your large jars on your kitchen counter?


  19. Tudo muito lindo. Também gosto muito de ervas. Tenho usado no tempero dos alimentos muitas ervas no lugar do sal.
    Aqui estamos numa seca terrível, minhas ervas morreram tudo. Agora vai começar a estação das chuvas.
    Tenha uma feliz Pascoa.

  20. its decoration is beautiful, I love the flowers and colors! all love and have a nice easter wishes fixed angie from Germany

  21. Hello, Becky
    Wow what a gorgeous blog!!
    Full of inspiration, beautiful pictures and ideas.

    My pear trees are in bloom as well, and I have been enjoying them so much.

    I will be looking forward to your posts.
    Your new follower.


  22. Love this post, giving me a touch of spring since it has not found my neck of the woods yet!!
    Congrats on the PB feature!

  23. I always love visiting your kitchen, you have the coolest stuff! I'mm going to try growing a few herbs in my window sill. Hope my brown thumb doesn't kill them! LOL
    Happy Easter!

  24. Becky, you have the most gorgeous house...all of it!
    I have that white Kitchen Aid mixer, too! :-)

    Happy Easter,

  25. Brava! Well deserved!! Love your kitchen...so pretty & fresh.
    Planting plenty of herbs, veggies and beets! Have a beautiful Easter!

  26. Just found your blog and started following, wow, your home is just beautiful. Love the pig cutting board! Looking forward to your posts.

  27. Now your blog has become one of my favorite blogs! Thank you to Pottery Barn's blog for featuring your wonderful kitchen! Keep up the great work!

  28. Love the look! Can you please tell me what you used to stain the wood on the island??

  29. I love the look! Could you tell me what you used for stain on the island? Thank you!
