Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vintage Heirlooms

Hey my friends!
And a special WELCOME to all my new followers :)
I can't wait to show you all these new goodies.
Very special family heirlooms, from my sweet Aunt.

 White milk glass, owned once by my Great-Grandmother.
Don't you just love the little dots?
Such sweet character.

 The set came with six little glasses and a large and small pitcher.

 When I opened the box from my Aunt,
I was in milk glass Heaven :)

She also sent me some very old, vintage cookbooks;
 passed down from her friends' Grandmother.
The colors are great for the upcoming Holidays.

I added a bit of twine and rosemary...
smells so good.

The little milk glass bowl was in the box, too.
Love the scalloped edges.

My Aunt knows I like special vintage goodies,
but these are vintage heirlooms with a story.
My favorite.  Thanks, "Aunt Sue"!
I'll treasure it all forever...

Or until it's my turn to pass it on.

Thanks for hosting ladies!

Becky C


  1. So funny that I just got on since early this morning and I was heading to your blog to ask you a question. You just "happened" to be the first post listed on my roll. I am going to send you an email.

    Your gifts are wonderful! Good for you to receive beautiful family heirlooms.

  2. What a wonderful gift to receive! I really enjoyed how you photographed it all. Just so lovely!!

  3. The milk glass is beautiful! I forget what they call this pattern but I love it. Nice to have those treasures from family.

  4. Your milk glass is so pretty... and how nice that it's a family treasure!!!! I'll bet there's alot of great recipes in those vintage cookbooks too!!!
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  5. What beautiful treasures that will be a special addition to your home with the history to go with them. ~~Sherry~~

  6. Don't you just love family heirlooms? They remind you of past memories every time you look at them.

    I also wanted to comment on your WW post with the bucket light. Are these hard to make? I really like how it looks and who doesn't have a ton of buckets sitting around?

    Take care,


  7. So sweet to have special family pieces...I love the charming vignette you created!

  8. I love your milk glass vase and vintage cookbooks! The sweet vingette you put together on the tray is so pretty.


  9. Great Aunt! Wonderful surprises.

  10. always so nice to read how others love there hand me downs my home is full of things from as far back as great great grandparents isn't a day that i don't seem to day dream about something how it was used why they kept it and think how lucky i was to get it

  11. What wonderful treasures!! I absolutely love the hobnail milk glass set. LOVE IT!!

    Your vignette with the rosemary sprig is very pretty!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I am so happy to know these treasures are finding a new home in your precious home and heart. I can't wait to see future posts and how you show the pieces you have. You do great photography that tells a story.
    Love, Aunt Sue

  14. Your Vignette is lovely!
    What a great way to keep family treasures!

  15. i love your milkglass as I do collect milkglass that has hobnails on it!.. thanks for sharing your pretties! love it! have a great weekend!

  16. What great gifts from your aunt! They look beautiful the way you've displayed them on the tray!!
    Have a great weekend, Becky!
    Jo :)

  17. Milk Glass Heaven Indeed!

    It's all so pretty and you have arranged it all so nicely!

  18. I have to tell you.. I think the name of your blog is really cute! I love your photo with the books tied in jute! I am starting to become more and more attracted to milkglass; so many striking things you can do with its simplicity. I had (1) piece but it broke, but will be looking for new (to me) stuff soon. Your photos are really nice!!!!
    Lara :)

  19. Beckie, I put a comment in a different post, but Donna thought I should have put it here. Please go look for it in an earlier post.I will try to go get it and copy it and put it here. but if not please look for it . Love ya Aunt Kay

  20. Hello Sweet Beckie, We love your new kitchen, you did a wonderful job, But I am not surprised as I know you are so good in your decorating. You must get that from your Mother. You know your Mother had some white milk glass. I gave her, it was from My mother. She had it in her buffet last I saw it. You should look it up, and I know your dad would let U have it. and of course I would love for you to have it too. I also have an old cook book, (200 years Of New Orleans Cooking.) It was printed in 1931. Would you be interested in it? It is weathered,with age, still in fairly good cond. It is red with white polka dots. Not exactly your colors, but it might could be fit in. Let me know if you would like it. If not, I will send it to Ginger. I had got it at a garage sell for her, but she said I could give it to you if you wanted it. It has a fabric cover, and might could be painted with some fabric paint. (Of course that could take away the value of a 89 year old book.)Good luck in your decorating. Thank you for sharing with us. Love ya, Aunt Kay and Donna.

  21. Beautiful milkglass, I love how you have it all together in the wonderful tray. Precious keepsakes! Thanks for linking in with VIF!

  22. Lovely heirlooms! I adore milkglass...especially the little hobnail pieces :)


  23. What a delightful vignette! I love milk glass too, well, anything white really! Your blog is great, will add it to my "love to visit" list...

  24. Your blog is beautiful!
    I love your photography.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
