Friday, November 5, 2010

Few Sticks, Much Paint

Hey my friends!
I can't believe it's been two weeks since I've posted!
I've missed you all.
Life has been busy, busy around here.
Thanksgiving is around the corner, and I've been getting the house ready.

and I should tell you...I've been painting my walls ;0)

I wanted a rich, creamy white that would blend well with the bright white cabinets.
Here is the wall color BEFORE:

And, because I'm joining Saturday Nite Special with Donna,
I added a few sticks to the mix :)

I also made a little ladder to hang towels and grainsacks from.
My old fence boards put to good use once again...

until I find just the right vintage ladder to put in this space.

I also tried my grainsack pillow in the chair.

The white paint is called "FRESH COTTON" from Behr.
I am trying to use several shades and textures of whites in my decor.
And this paint gives a very rich, soothing background.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I did finally finish painting all cabinets,
top and bottom- but left the doors off under the sink.

Oh, and I used an old burlap coffee sack to re-do the curtain over the sink.

So, turns out, since the color is just right,
I kept painting...

turned the corner, into the dining room
and painted that, too.

The bucket holds a few red bud branches from our woods.
I also found fresh pinecones and pecans on a stroll through the farm.

The old doors are from a favorite cabinet of mine,
which I have repainted and left open
(that's another post).

And that's what I've been busy getting done around here.
Of course, I've been keeping up with all the projects
going on in blogland.

I'm beginning to think about Christmas...
are you getting ready yet?

I'm joining-

P. S.
Thanks for following me, you all make my day.
I am planning a special 200 follower giveaway!
Check back in :)

Becky C


  1. Becky... everything looks amazing! Love the ladder you made and love those doors! Even the branches look great!! Beautiful display...

  2. What an amazing kitchen you have! Everything looks wonderful!

  3. Girl! Girl! Girl! You have me completely in love with everything you have done. I can't even begin to tell you my favorite because it all is awesome. I do love your burlap curtain and the burlap on those open bottom cabinets. Okay...everything in every picture would be my favorite!!!! You are doing exactly what I would want in my house only I can only do it in little bits and pieces. You need to be my decorating mentor and lead me, oh teacher...lead me. Am I your biggest fan or what?

    Have a blessed weekend, my friend.

  4. I love all your little touches! The burlap and sticks and old containers are so neat.

  5. Not sure where to begin so I'll just say I love it all! The burlap sink skirt is so sweet! I'm your newest follower!

    Cute that you are all redheads. My youngest is a strawberry blonde. He adds a lot of life to the party :)

    Look forward to following...


  6. you had me at burlap! hello there! its so nice to "meet" you! what a great blog you have! i became a follower! well done in the kitchen is lovely!

  7. I have to agree with Amy. I'm not sure where to start on what I like best. Too much to decide. But to start with, those doors leaning on the table. Ack, I would love to have those! The old coffee sack on the window and the old weathered cupboard are all great!

  8. I'm in love with your style!!! The doors, the whites, the tin, all of it, love, love, love it!

  9. LOVE the paint! Your styling is wonderful to look at! All your woodsy stuff is terrific, and the cloch base is so farmhouse perfect!

  10. Love it all! I really like your burlap curtains under the sink! Hey since you are in such a painting mood-you should come and paint at my house! LOL Fall seems to always be a crazy busy time around here too-can't seem to slow down till January.


  11. *blink* How is it possible that your whole entire house is perfecto every square inch of the way?!? This is gorgeous! Your soft hues and natural textures are stunning.

    And yeah... those twigs fit right at home right where they are. NICE.


  12. Glorious! Love all of it! Perfection in simply rustic elegance

  13. *~~*~*Im so glad youre back Becky!! LOVE all of your new changes!! BEAUTIFUL!!Hugs,Rachel~*~*

  14. Hi Becky. I just found your and your gorgeous blog through Donna's facebook page. I must have been living under a rock somewhere not to have found you before now! I LOVE everything about your kitchen, it is GORGEOUS!! Congratulations on such a fabulous job!!! LOVE IT ALL!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ Tina :)

  15. How totally pretty Becky! Don't you just love fresh paint? I know I do. I love the twigs. THey add a nice texture and some additional interest.

    Take care,

  16. Ooohhh Becky I love it!!! You did a wonderful job!

    Have a great weekend!

  17. Donna was right to show this on FB. You have a gift to make simple things look so beautiful. I love it all.

  18. Absolutely breathtaking! I can almost imagine the smell of coffee and pumpkin pie in that lovely kitchen & dining room. Subtle hues are so soothing and the texture added from the natural elements is divine. My faves on this post...#1 Window valance #2 sink skirts #3 ladder (awesome) #4 table scape in the dining room (love the doors)

  19. BEE-U-TEE-FUL!!! I love all your decor, especially the burlap curtains under the sink!


  20. Wow Becky... you really have been busy!! I LOVE the new paint color... great choice!! It's always such a pleasure to see all of the unique and beautiful vintage pieces that you have throughout your beautiful home!! Great idea to build yourself a ladder out of scrap wood until you find one, and the burlap sink skirt and curtain are gorgeous!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!
    Jo :)

  21. Oh my goodness... you *have* been busy!! Looks wonderful, as always. You have a special knack with burlap, old wood, and other treasures. Love it all!! -Tammy

  22. Absolutely STUNNING!!!!!! Love, love, loooooooove it! And that HUGE bell jar - you lucky girl - it is enormous. It is so relaxing - so inviting - you are gonna be one of my inspirations for my new house - which they are about to get started on. I will need help with all those whites - that is an area I've never really dabled in. I've always been a color girl - but I'm loving this look more and more - I think it will be perfect in my farmhouse. Thank you for inspiring us all! It is gorgeous!

  23. Beautiful! Do you treat any of your natural finds (twigs and pine cones) to avoid bugs? I tried putting an arrangement together for the SNS over at Funky Junk and I had "invaders"

  24. Thank you so much for showing me your space! It looks amazing. I'm a new follower, Love your blog! Hope to have you back soon :D

  25. Oh my goodness, girl, you've got it goin' on! Love that vignette with the sticks and mason jars and pinecones under the cloche!!!

    The creamy white paint is perfection for all your goodies. And I love that burlap skirt instead of doors on the cabinet under your sink. :) So much great stuff here!

  26. That's what I did last weekend (at least the first coat of paint.) I posted as a dilemma, because I'm not sure if it is working. Now I know why! Your kitchen has all the texture that mine is lacking in it's current half painted state. I love the burlap, the twigs, and the galvanized pieces especially. Perfect! Thanks for sharing.

  27. I love your style! Amazing kitchen, your vignettes are perfect~and the paint color is great.

  28. I love everything! And I do mean everything ; ) I checked out the rest of your blog and I love everything I see! I especially love that you guys are all redheads. Being a ginger myself, I'm a little biased towards that particular hair color, haha. I am extremely excited to become one of your newest followers!

  29. Creamy scrumptious. I will be back to see what you're cooking up for Christmas decor. :)

  30. I love what you have done here. All simple, rustic things and you have turned them into treasures. Such a beautiful design and excellent pics! Congrats on being featured at SNS!

    Vicki at Rusty Rooster Vintage

  31. I love your blog. Gosh your house is beautiful

  32. Hello Sweet Beckie, We love your new kitchen, you did a wonderful job, But I am not surprised as I know you are so good in your decorating. You must get that from your Mother. You know your Mother had some white milk glass. I gave her, it was from My mother. She had it in her buffet last I saw it. You should look it up, and I know your dad would let U have it. and of course I would love for you to have it too. I also have an old cook book, (200 years Of New Orleans Cooking.) It was printed in 1931. Would you be interested in it? It is weathered,with age, still in fairly good cond. It is red with white polka dots. Not exactly your colors, but it might could be fit in. Let me know if you would like it. If not, I will send it to Ginger. I had got it at a garage sell for her, but she said I could give it to you if you wanted it. It has a fabric cover, and might could be painted with some fabric paint. (Of course that could take away the value of a 89 year old book.)Good luck in your decorating. Thank you for sharing with us. Love ya, Aunt Kay and Donna.
