Tuesday, October 11, 2011

More Table Goodness


Hey my friends!

How are you? Great, I hope :)

Thanks for all your sweet comments about the little bit of fall decorating I’ve done around here.

I’m adding a few more fall items, but keeping it simple.

arch window and garland

I gave you a glimpse of this new farm table my brother and Mr. Buckets built, in my last post…

my brother generously gave us a huge pile of wood from an old crate.

golden rod & pinecones

They used a really cool tool (kreg jig) that allows all the hardware (screws, nails) to be hidden underneath, out of sight.  Carpenter’s dream!

farm table in fall

Talented, they are…putting this big boy together in two days :)

We used a few different painting techniques throughout the process.

I will share that with you in a step-by-step post, soon.

scale with pumpkins

I sure am having a great time sprucing it up for fall.  Pumpkins, goldenrod, and pinecones are the highlight.  And we moved our chippy scale from the dining room to add a little vintage.

table from side

The goldenrod smells lovely.  I did not know that :)

bucket of golden rod

I hope you don’t get tired of seeing my old ice cream bucket…

it’s obviously one of my favorite vintage pieces I own. 

It’s moved around all over my house :)

arch window

The goldenrod came from our wooded area behind our house.

golden rod & pumpkins

We took a visit to the pumpkin patch yesterday.  I was so happy to see there were special pumpkins available. 



yellow golden rod



Well, there you have it.  More table goodness built by hand here on the farm.

Hope you didn’t mind so many photos…that’s how I roll :)

table with garland


Today I’m sharing with

Kathleen at White Wednesday

Thanks so much for visiting me today :)


Becky C


  1. Such a gorgeous table and they did a great job on it! Love the dimensions and the shelf. I'm sure you will enjoy arranging your things on it. Your natural Fall items work really well too.

  2. Your ice cream bucket is adorable. I love all of your fall touches.

  3. It is great. What room do you have it in? I have a smaller version which I love.


  4. Appreciate your style - lovely!

  5. Beautiful! Love the scale. I love the hints of blue on it!


  6. Love it all, the ice cream bucket is a fave of mine, and the goldenrod is beautiful. Hope non of you have allergies, not so lucky up here, Great table and wonderful scale! xoxo

  7. The table is wonderful! It's great to have your own carpenters, isn't it? I covet your scale, too. OK. I don't covet *your* scale. I'd just like one similar. ;-)

  8. Hi Becky! So sweet of your brother and husband to put together this fantastic table for you. You must be a special gal to both of them. Love all your touches of fall! Your very talented at putting things together!
    hugs, Cheryl

  9. It all looks so nice! I love, love, love your scale (I think I tell you that every time I see it in a post) :) Great table and ice cream container!

    I didn't know that Goldenrod smelled nice either.

    Have a great week!

  10. Oh my goodness Becky,
    I am dying over that fabulous table and that vintage scale!!! Your a lucky girl to have such a handy husband. The way you set everything up in this room is just so inspirational!! It looks simply beautiful! SIGH!!!!
    Enjoy and have a beautiful day!

  11. Really cute title!
    and those pumpkins are so cute!


    I'm new here, love what I see..reading on..

  12. That is one awesome table! You are lucky to have a husband and brother to build for you and to provide the wood! Your decoratins are lovely!

  13. I Love looking at other bloggers pictures and yours are great..I love Vintage and prim and wish I had a bigger house so I could display all of my things (and maybe even buy more) LOL
    Nancy from insidenanashead

  14. What a stunning table and I love the ice cream bucket! Loving it all!

  15. I love this whole thing, the table, the vignette, the weigh scale. I wonder if my grocer would miss his??????

  16. Where did you find the driftwood garland? I love this entire display. Absolutely beautiful. I'd love to have you over at my WhateverWednesday link party!

  17. Love the new table! It's gorgeous. So are your fall decorations. The goldenrod is such a unique touch - - pure genius I think. It looks amazing with the pumpkins.

  18. Hi Becky!!
    I LOVE the simplicity! I recently bought an old scale and placed it in my booth space for sale. You've made me want to hop in the car and bring it back home with me before it sells!!
    Everything looks perfect. The garland is....AWESOME!!!

  19. you must be giddy with delight ... I know I was just gazing at the table

  20. The table is perfect! I love your pumpkins...especially the one on the scale. It looks exactly like one you would love!

  21. Love your fall decor, especially the pumpkin on the scale. You've done a great job of inviting fall into your home!!

    Thanks for sharing!!

  22. Hi Becky! Everything looks fabulous! Especially love the pumpkin on the scale! What a beauty, and it looks so cool on there!!

    Thanks for sharing the loveliness of your home! Always a joy!

  23. The table is wonderful, Becky. Everything is fabulous...you have such great style!

  24. Everything looks so beautiful! Love that table and scale:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  25. Ciao mi unisco a te come followers....
    bellissime immagini!!

  26. The ice cream bucket and scale look wonderful in their new spot!

  27. I loved all of the photos,they are great, as is your new table! It is beautiful, you have a talented husband, it all looks great. What a great looking bucket! Beautiful!
    Hugs, Cindy

  28. Everything is just beautiful as always Becky, super love that new table!

    It's always nice to see "my" scale, take good care of it until it finds its way to my farmhouse one day!! :-))

  29. Hi Becky, The table is fabulous and what a gorgeous display. Love the scale and the frame...perfection.

  30. I love the white on white and the neutral tones.

  31. Simply lovely! Love your blog -

    Newest follower,


  32. Good Morning Becky! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for Versatile Blogger Award. If you get a chance check out this post http://thevintagebricoleur.blogspot.com/2011/10/my-picks-for-versitile-blogger-award.html. Terry P.S. What a beautiful song you have playing! We are children of the King!

  33. Beautiful! And thanks for sharing all the photos, that's how I roll too. I love seeing lots of photos of other's homes so I often use lots of my own too.

  34. LOVE your beautiful vintage accessories! What a lovely table.
