Monday, March 30, 2015

A Sofa Table


I know you do this…find a gorgeous photo on Pinterest, and then you find yourself re-arranging the furniture in your whole house, just to create “that look” ;)

Sofa table 20

Well, yes, sometimes I do that too. So…my sweet kids helped me move a few larger pieces around from the dining room to the family room. And our buffet table became the sofa table.

Sofa table 5

Remember, here in my Around the Table post, I used these gorgeous pink blossom branches? Well, I moved them to our sofa table in the French harvest basket. The table is perfect for behind the sofa…and did you know my husband built it? He is amazing.

Sofa table 7 

I’m sure it’s obvious, that I love decorating with all shades of white. Adding pops of color with fresh flowers, seltzer bottles, and pillows is one way I like to add spring touches to a room.

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That scale? Well, it came from a local antique shop. It’s one of our favorites. We have several. One of our favorite collections…vintage scales :)

Sofa table 17

Flowering branches are my favorite. If I could, I’d have every flowering tree known to man growing in our yard. One day :) Until then, I’ll just keep borrowing from my families’ yards.

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The large “window” is actually a vintage French door. I’m saving it to use on our garden shed…when we build it. Maybe that will be our next DIY project.

Sofa table 13

Are you re-arranging for Spring? Has a Pinterest photo ever prompted you to move things around?

I really appreciate you stopping by to visit my blog! Thanks for meeting me here today :)

I have a really wonderful announcement coming later this week!



  1. Wowwwww Becky....this is great like your new decorated room !!! from me Ria...x!

  2. Becky,
    I don't think that I have changed something after viewing Pinterest...but I do have fun there getting inspired. Love the look of your charming room.


  3. The room looks great. I like your pillows, in particular. Like you, I love flowering branches - and the way you put them in the French basket looks fabulous.
    Michelle from

  4. Well I actually do not have a Pinterest account, so I don't do that. But I do get inspired to make changes around my home after reading JDL monthly. Your home is lovely and any way you have it feels cozy and welcoming. Blessed Eastertide to you. xxo

  5. Love your changes - it's gorgeous, so fresh and pretty!!

  6. I have admired that table/buffet for some time and it is inspiring me to make one too. We have a spot in our dining room for a similar but maybe narrower version. Hoping I can get to it this summer. Your rooms always look lovely with the layers and textures of white. The pretty flowering branches and pops of colours add beautiful spring touches.

  7. Perfectly lovely...and yes I do the same thing...however I end up moving things back more often than not!!! ox

  8. I have never pinterst(ed) GASP!!! Hahaha, I know :) But I luv your room. Need to peek at the table. Been asking the Mr. to lets design and build some.
    Happy new week!

  9. Love every thing! So beautiful! I am going to be going more white in my home and so excited for it. It is happening because my husband wants to add wood to the ceiling of our family room and so that means I get to paint. White it is! then to slip-cover the sofa and loveseat ; adding some new pillows. I should be done by early summer (I hope). Thanks for sharing your beautiful home.

  10. Your house always looks so pretty and welcoming, Becky! I love pinterest, it so inspiring. In order to get the look I want though, I feel like I'd pretty much just have to start over :)

  11. Gorgeous space!! Loving the colored glass bottles & everything for that matter!! #perfect


  12. Love those bottles....
    And yes I know the feeling of moving some things for making a look a like!
    groetjes van Marijke

  13. I'm pretty sure these photos of yours have just inspired me♥

    Love it!!


  14. Looks great! Not only do I get inspired to move stuff! Then I get a wild hair and go out and buy and look for the look too! Ha! I have a farmhouse in Idaho

  15. It all looks so amazing! What a good kids you have to help you out. When I start moving stuff around there is alot of eye rolling then all of a sudden everyone disappears.

  16. Just read your post, now I'm totally inspired, but exhausted and have a ton of things to do for Easter preparations. I guess I will have to wait until Monday...then watch out! Thanks for the boost and for liking some of my posts on IG.
