Saturday, October 19, 2013

IF: GATHERING and Country Living Fair Ticket Winners


Happy Weekend Friends!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and enjoying some family time. I’m so thankful today for glorious Fall weather here in Louisiana.

Thanks for entering the Giveaway for Tickets to The Country Living Fair in Atlanta!

HERE are the winners:

Jackie at Empty Nest Full Life 


The Simply Prim Shoppe

Congratulations Ladies! I’ll be sending you an email shortly :)


(all photos courtesy of IF: Gathering)

I want to tell you about an amazing event coming YOUR way in 2014…

Have you heard of the IF: GATHERING- LOCAL?

Well, I’m telling you, it may be one of the best ideas ever :)


What is an If: Gathering?

It was an idea sparked by Jennie Allen…founder of IF.

It’s an invitation to gather and dream with ladies in your community to discuss and dream about the things God wants to do through women…women who want to be used by HIM.  It’s a chance to change your perspective about who you are in HIM…and to encourage all the women in your life to unleash their calling and be bold to follow their hearts and passions for the LORD.


On February 7 & 8, women will gather in living rooms, churches, cabins, colleges, and trailers to watch a livestream of the Austin IF: Gathering.

I’m hosting IF: Gathering- Stonewall, here in my community. And I’d love for anyone local to join us. However, if you are in another city…check the website below to see if someone is hosting near you. Also, if you feel led to host one of the IF:Gatherings, GO HERE. Anyone can host…all you need to do is invite your family & friends.

The IF: Gathering leadership team explains it like this:

“We need your voice, your leadership, your passion, your skills, your homes, and your gathering spaces. We need your invitations, your mad cooking skills, conversation starters and ice breakers. We need it all. We need your eyes and ears, your prayers, and ultimately, your heart.'’

I’d love to know if you are hosting in your city…or you are joining an IF: Gathering.

You can read MORE about IF: Gathering HERE

You can LIKE IF: Gathering on FACEBOOK HERE

Please let me know if you have any questions :)
