Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What I Learned in 2012

Hello friends! It’s been awhile…

Hope all is well with you in this wonderful NEW YEAR :)

As I was thinking about this “clean slate” of a new year ahead of me, and reminiscing about life this last year… I decided to share with you some things I learned in 2012…

hanging hat

(And share a few 2012 photos too)

One thing I learned was be careful what you ask for.  One little desire of my heart was to have some of my photos published in a magazine.  Well, I shared that desire with God…and suddenly emails began coming last January asking me to submit photos of our home for various magazines. I was honored, humbled and totally amazed to see my pictures on the pages of some of my favorite magazines…by October, I had photos published in 10 different magazines!

Of course I give God all the glory for giving me the strength to stage and re-stage, to learn about photo editing, and allowing me to share my passion for decorating with others.


Another thing I learned was not to “lean on my own understanding”, but instead to “acknowledge HIM in all my ways, and HE will direct my path”…

Last August we almost moved, like far away to another state, almost moved.  Like, our boxes were already packed and moving trucks were scheduled, almost moved…suddenly everything fell through and came to a jolting, heart-wrenching halt.

Now, without boring you with the whole detailed story, let’s just say that I was so very excited about moving. My heart was so ready to be there in a new place.  However, apparently that wasn’t God’s plan. At least not right now.  I am learning to be content with right where we are, and listening for His voice to guide me. Although I don’t understand, I know He is directing my family’s path.

valentines table setting

In 2012 I turned 40…and with that came some unwelcomed changes.  Like my body doesn’t exactly have the same metabolism that it used to.  And added weight is much harder to get rid of now.  So, I learned to be very conscientious of what foods I’m putting in to fuel my body.  Also, the little wrinkles around my lips and eyes are more obvious now.  I’m learning to thank God for each new day and what it holds.  Another chance to love on my family, who loves me wrinkles and all.


During my kitchen makeover, I learned that I never want to do another kitchen makeover again.  But oh how I LOVE my farm sink :)

new kitchen sink area

But most of all, I’m learning to TRUST. To give God every single situation and trust HIM to help me through.  Some lessons are on-going I suppose.  When I lost my mom to ovarian cancer in 2009, I really struggled with being angry with God.  However, now I feel like the anger has lifted.  I can feel my heart healing.  I read somewhere one time that everything we go through is to help us get closer to God.  This being the case, I’m learning to let go and Trust God to take over, so that I don’t have to worry and try to figure everything out on my own. Are any of you with me? Do you have trouble trusting?


Lastly, I hope you know that you all mean the world to me…I’m honored that you visit my blog and say sweet things that make my days happier.  I appreciate the encouragement you’ve given me. I love the inspiration oozing out of your blogs. And my life is blessed because you share a piece of your heart with me. Thank you for allowing me to share my heart with you here on my blog the last two years. 

mantle 1

I’ll be back soon to share with you some books I’m reading this month…

Have a wonderful week!



  1. When you mentioned the almost moving, it brought back a moment when we almost moved. I was sitting in church on a Sunday morning and a friend leaned over and asked me where I would be teaching the next year since I was just finishing my credential. I realized that I had to face the fact we were moving out of the area. I told the friend that and turned to God and said, "okay, if I have to move, then help me accept it and be happy about it." Two days later my husband received an offer out of the blue for a job that changed our lives in so many ways, but meant that we did not have to move. He heard me and answered me, right away.

    The metabolism just gets worse and you come to accept the wrinkles. They are a reflection of a life well lived. Turning 40 is nothing. Just enjoy the journey.

  2. What a lovely, lovely post. You know, every time (including today) I see an old bottle drying rack at an antique market, I think of you. :) Your decorating is so pure and beautiful. I'm not shocked you are now VERY published (I'm jealous in a good way)! I just turned 31 today and I'm starting to struggle with the "my body is different" and the "get me some wrinkle cream" thing - ha ha! But, isn't each moment a true gift from God? How precious life is.

    Thanks for sharing your life with us, as well as your beautiful home.

    Blessings from Oklahoma,

    P.S. And yes, trusting our Lord is difficult. But His plans always exceed those of our own.

  3. Hello Becky! So nice to hear from you! I love your style and the way you make your home look so beautiful! All the magazines know this too! Your 40 - oh my god - I thought you' re 30 or so! So don' t worry - the age is not so important. I wish you a good time and that you' re dreams come true! With love, Geli

  4. Your sink and kitchen is beautiful! Thank you for reminding us about trust :)

  5. Your home is so warm and welcoming....it's obvious that love lives there.
    Yes there are times when it's hard to trust and believe that God knows best for us. But he does. Our family went through a move last September only to find out that it wasn't right for us. Now, we are returning back to our home. I'm so thankful that we are able to do this. We've also learned so much from this experience.

    40 is still very young my dear. Each year there might be more wrinkles and lines but you will become much wiser and stronger. Enjoy the experience.


  6. This is such a meaningful post, Becky! Reading your words are a wonderful way to start my day. It is hard to wait to see what God's plans are for us ~ that's one I have to work on too. Your beautiful photographs of your home were an added bonus. I just love how you display all of your pretty things!

  7. Beautiful and inspiring post! Thank you for sharing your home with us...and ALL those magazines :) But especially for shring your heart and giving HIM the Glory...AMEN!! Blessings to you and yours in 2013!! Laurel

  8. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful post! This has been a year of healing for me. I lost my mom and dad within 6 months of each other in 2010 and 2011, and 2012 was spent in learning forgiveness, trust, believing again. Blogging has allowed me to express those feelings from my heart. I have always felt called to ministry to woman-to speak. After my dad, a pastor, died, I began to feel like it was time. However, doors did not open and so I opened them myself. Istarted a Bible Study on my own and it absolutely flopped. As I surrendered and worked through a bunch of stuff and God is healing me, doors of opportunity are beginning to open. Yes, trust is difficult. Whew! But God is faithful when we put our trust in Him. Thanks for a beautiful blog. BTW, I love telling people that you are my friend on facebook and that you have published posts! Great job!

  9. Your home is beautiful, why not be published, right?
    When you are 'faithful in small things, you are faithful in more..." God has blessed your good stewardship of your home.
    You look wonderful for 40! Wrinkles(?) and all!
    I'm right there with you in the TRUSTING...sometimes, I let my guard down and forget to TRUST. I think it comes from to much of a CAN-DO attitude. When we think we can do it without Christ instead of through Him. Then we fail at trusting.
    Have a blessed week (and year!) Pat

  10. I appreciate your very thoughtful, inspiring, and encouraging post. Living by faith and not by sight can be one of the hardest things we're called to do. Why is that when we are children of the all powerful God? My husband and I have been entrusted with the challenge of trusting God when we don't see tangible evidence of him working...although his promises in the Word say otherwise...he is always working to bring about his purposes.
    Mary Alice

  11. Loved this post as I am also learning to trust God more! Thanks for sharing your words and also your beautiful pictures of your home! Love the farm sink!

  12. Wow Becky, What a fantastic post!!!
    Yes, I have trouble trusting God at times, but there are other times that I know he is doing everything he can to make to make the best life for my family and I, if I can just give everything up to him!
    That is so awesome about the magazine publications!! That is one of my dreams as well to have my home featured.
    And I have to say that you definitely do not look 40, you look amazing!!
    Thank you for your sweet words, you are truly a beautiful and kind person!!
    Have a wonderful day.

  13. Thank you for yet again the way the Lord is using various people to give us confirmation. My prayer lately has been, "Lord help me to trust even when you are quiet." thanks, Sarah

  14. I am also learning ....everyday my way with God....and that is not easy ...but good!!!....life is beautiful......Amen !!

    Love your home and your blog !!!..glad that i found you.....love Ria...xxx...

  15. Great post this morning ... so timely as I needed that inspiration as we are in the process of making some hard decisions.
    Audrey Z.
    Timeless Treasures

  16. Oh yes we all need to learn to lean on HIM!! Love your home and blog!!!

  17. Becky sometimes we thing we know what is best for us.But God reminds us that he is in charge.For now he wants you right where you are.
    Oh turning 40 was not easy for me either.The only way I was able to lose weight was to be a vegetarian.I was never a big on eating meat so it really was no big deal.The 40's have not been kind to me.I am 46 and now watching my face start to fall LOL! Now I understand why women consider plastic surgery LOL! Oh I won't ever go that route but I get why some women do.I won't ever judge again!And I think neck scarves are going to be my friend :-)

  18. Thank you for sharing. I needed to read this today. God's timing is perfect. Peace

  19. I love your home and your blog! You struck a chord with my heart when you said your mom passed. Mine passed in 2011 (breast cx) She was 50. It's reassuring to know that I'm not alone in my anger towards god. I think it's only human to feel that way now and again. Glad to hear that the anger fades.. and ironic that my husband and I are 'patiently' waiting for some answers to life-changing decisions.. (career change and selling our home). Thankyou for such an inspiring post. BTW- you don't look a day over 30!

  20. Sorry for your frustrations with life, but things always seem to work out in the end...at least that's what I've learned over the years. They might not always be what you want, but I try to remember things could always be worse and their are so many less fortunate than ourselves.

    My goal for 2013 is to have more of a positive attitude..can't hurt right? And I know what you mean about the metabolism and wrinkle thing. I just turned 43 in December. Oh, to be 30 again!

    Enjoy your week!


  21. Such a sweet post Becky! Just remember... when one door closes... He will open another... although it may take time. He loves us and blesses us with good things... your home is beautiful and is definitely magazine worthy... wow 10... that's awesome! I am about to turn 40 and I hear ya on the body changing thing... I'm not welcoming it too good...LOL. Hope you have another wonderful year full of His blessings!!

  22. omgosh pretty girl in the corn...don't you dare worry about wrinkles, I'm sure when anyone sees you in person they see your sparkling beauty and nothing more!
    I too have a thing about trust so my word of the year it "let go"! I have to learn to trust that everything is part of the plan and fighting it just doesn't work. Hand in hand we go into 2013, from the sounds of all the comments, everyone has your back girl!! You won't fall!

  23. Great post! And eerily similar in a few ways. My Mom passed away suddenly in 2009. It's been very difficult. Although I didn't go through the heartbreak of having the boxes all packed, I too had high hopes of moving out of state last year only to have my dreams crumble. And I can relate ALL TOO WELL to those aging blues! I have to say though, that your blog always lifts my heart. Just like the image above with the tulips. So beautiful! Thank you for such a beautiful blog!

  24. Becky, it's been a joy watching you grow and blossom!
    You are so talented, not to mention sweet and kind, you deserve everything good that has come your way.


  25. Becky, I'm loving your blog and glad I was led to you. I always smile when I find a Christian at a blog I enjoy. Your photographs show me that you collect many of the things I collect. So I am gaining inspiration from you on how to display them, you have such a great eye. I also lost my mother to ovarian cancer, two years before you lost your mom. I'm 10 years older than you and also watching those wrinkles appear. (grin) I wish you many more years in your sweet home, or wherever God leads you, and I hope that you will always share your rooms with the rest of us.


  26. Hi Becky, wow, your post was so touching, so full of God's healing touch. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Emilou

  27. Hey Becky....what a beautiful post, sweetie. It's been such a blessing to watch you and your blog grow in popularity and in Christ. You continue to bless all of us with your grateful and faithful heart, as well as your beautiful photography of your welcoming home. I'm so glad I met you in Bloglandia! Hugs to you, sweetie!

    xoxo laurie

  28. That you for such an inspiring post. 2012 was a year when I worked tremendously hard to overcome my anger and to trust God. I must give my anger to Him so that He may grant me the grace to forgive. To be truthful, I made a small amount, a very small amount of progress. I have renewed my efforts in 2013 to fully trust God, to know that my life in His hands is the best life I can live. Thank you for giving me hope.

  29. The best thing about this post was seeing your face peeking through the corn. Oh how I miss you and your face. I love you dearly and so loved hearing your heart tonight through your post. I also loved hearing your voice on the phone.

    You are my precious precious friend, sister, confidant, encourager...and so much more. I love you.

  30. Oh!! How your words touched my heart as I read about your walk with God. I love visiting your sweet blog and wish you well in 2013. Hugs, Maryj

  31. What a lovely sweet post my dear! Thank you for sharing all this beauty and insight with us!


  32. Beautiful post Becky! It is hard for all of us to trust because we like to be in control. I have a hard to time with being patient and allowing things to happen on God's time rather than on my own. I hope that 2013 will be a most blessed year for you and yours!

  33. Love burlap and grain sacks

  34. You are beautiful Becky - and I don't see any wrinkles!!! May the Lord bless you on your journey of "figuring it all out" like we are all trying to do. He is in control and I think the future is going to continue to hold great things for you and your family because you are faithful.

    Thank you for inspiring us with your beautiful home - you deserve every publication you get!

    Best wishes and keep looking UP!

  35. Becky.....thank you for sharing....I sooo needed this today!God has really been working on my heart lately....telling me that I have so much more to give......God has such a special, unique plan for each one of us!

  36. Becky thank you for being here I am disabled and look at my favorite sites every day to see if anything has been posted as I don't get out much. you all who keep up there sites are a blessing for people like myself again THANK YOU

  37. WOw! I love your farm sink too! I would actually enjoy washing dishes inthere. ;)
    Beautiful home u have!


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  40. Wonderful post....I'm working on so many of these same things, too. Trusting and letting go is just so hard sometimes, isn't it? Happy New Year!

  41. Your post touched my heart. I share a lot of the same stories and some are dreams right now. But I know through Christ all things are possible....we just need to trust him. Thank-You for sharing. You have inspired me to begin blogging again!!!

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  43. Such a precious post. Thank you.

  44. Great post sweetie.
    So many lessons, and we keep learning our whole lives.....
    My daughter would say, "We are on an adventure!"
    So true.


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