Friday, September 16, 2011

In Honor Of…

Hey my friends!

I hope you are enjoying some cooler fall weather where ever you are!

Of course, here in Louisiana, fall will last for about two weeks and won’t even arrive until late November… okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a wee bit.

I’m always so amazed this time of year to see those of you who are already experiencing cooler temps, going to apple orchards, and wearing your sweatshirts and jeans :)

barnwood on table

Which leads me to this post.  I saw fresh pears, apples and hydrangeas at the grocery store today.  And I was inspired to set a little fall table.

whole table

Lately, I just haven’t had the desire to do any blogging.  You ever felt this way?

I just could not get motivated to do photos, edit, write…

basket on board 

And maybe it’s true I’ve been a tad overwhelmed with the transition from summer into home school.  And our oldest, well, she is a freshman now, attending high school.  And she loves it.

Juggling it all, well, it does not come easy for me. 

pear place setting

Oh, I’ve been popping in on your blogs, to get inspired.  And, I really have missed all your sweet comments and conversations.  So, now I think I’m back in the swing of things!  Ready to create, stage, sew, and post all about it :)

barnwood centerpiece

For this fall table scape, I used an old piece of weathered wood over a grain sack to place my centerpiece.  Then I put the flowers in the ball jars.


I placed the pears in my antique German molds to hold them steady.  How cute would they look holding a place card?

hydrangea in ball jars

And to adorn the napkin, placed a hydrangea leaf in the center, tied with twine.

hydrangea leaf

Fruits add a subtle splash of color for the changing season.  Love how God created such gorgeous colors in nature.

pear on tin mold

Now, I’d like to dedicate this post to honor a special group of people… who have been heavy on my heart the past several weeks-


I lost my mom to ovarian cancer before I started my blog. I think about her so much as I do this without her.  She would have been my biggest cheerleader. 


Now, I’ve watched as many of you openly express dealing with a loved one with cancer.  It is just not easy.

But having all of you helps.  All the prayers and support are so needed and appreciated.  Let’s reach out. Let’s pray for each other.

Anne of Fiona and Twig- she needs us

Amy of All Things Home- she needs us

and I’m sure so many more of you are affected by cancer in some way.

I wish I would have had all of you when I was going through it with my mom.

pear place setting

At least I have you now :)  I’m thankful for that :)

I’m joining Farmhouse Friday, Vintage Inspiration Friday, Saturday Nite Special

Thanks for hosting, ladies!


Becky C


  1. balance is always a challenge for me too becky.
    i've been praying for sweet anne

    love your table
    beautiful post

  2. Beautiful post...both the pictures and the words...and I can't leave until the song is over.

  3. hi becky -

    gorgeous table.. truly gorgeous.. i love all the photos. i know what you mean about blogging moods plus time thing. it really takes a lot to produce a post, it really does. i have had to cut back big time since my son started 1st grade. yes, it is overwhelming. my son he has ASD & has been mainstreamed into regular class.. and we have to help him with a lot to succeed - he has lingering behaviors.. mainly listening skills. i give myself computer time for reading blogs on fridays & on the weekends to maintain balance & allow myself some much needed personal time. fall has arrived here in chicago.. chilly mornings & warm afternoons. LOVE the pears & rustic wood as a center piece!

  4. ps - that was very nice of you to dedicate this post to the ladies that need our prayers & support. ♥

  5. I really love how you used a board for the center of your beautiful table. It is hard to get back in the swing of things...glad to see you are back to blogging.
    I appreciate your mentioning these ladies. I have been battling Ovarian cancer for 5 years...and just lately started a new round of chemo. It is always an encouragement when others care and pray.

  6. So thoughtful of you to think of those dealing with cancer in their families and to ask all of us to pray for them! the plank piece of wood down the middle of the table is such a great idea!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing all of this loveliness! What a beautiful setting!
    One year,I did something similar to this for
    some ladies...only with hydrangeas from our
    garden,and little crab apples-so much fun!

  8. Your table setting is just beautiful, love the colors of the pears and the hydrangeas and fabulous.

    I also lost my mother to cancer (breast cancer)she was just 38. So thank you for encouraging other blogger to pray for these ladys and their familys. I'll be praying for them!


  9. Hi Becky,
    What a beautiful table you set and a beautiful post! My Mom had a really rare cancer about a year ago and thankfully she is now in remission, but unfortunately it has caused other problems in her body. My heart goes out to all who have lost there loved ones to any form of cancer. It takes so much life away from everyone, not just the patient but their loved ones as well.
    My heart and prayers are with those who are suffering!!
    Have a lovely day.

  10. Wow

    Hi Becky, I just wanted to say how gorgeous your Burlap Blog is. We are great fans of burlap as well and we love you pictures and information keep up the great work, its beautiful.

  11. What a beautiful fall tablescape. Thanks for the inspiration. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Anne and Amy
    Have a great day ;-)

  12. Your table is very simple and pretty! I think the pears are a beautiful touch of nature. I know how you feel about the lack of time to seems this time of year is the busiest. Coming up with ideas to post about isn't always easy either.

    I think it is so sweet and thoughtful of you to ask us to remember those that are suffering from the devastation this disease causes. I lost my mother, father and sister to cancer...all in the past 10 years and the hurt never goes away. I know how much you miss your mom from all your previous posts. I'll be thinking of you and sending prayers.


  13. Hi Becky-
    I'm sorry you lost your mom to cancer, it's so hard, my father died of a long drawn out illness a few years ago and he is still on my mind everyday. my heart is heavy for anne right now.
    On a positive note, your pictures and settings are just gorgeous! Great inspiration for me as I try to decorate for fall soon! Enjoy your weekend!
    My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
    Darn blogger...uggggg

  14. Becky, Thanks for your wonderful blog. I found you just recently and am new to all of this. Keep up the great work. Love the table today and I understand what you mean about fall cause I live in Mississippi.

  15. Dear little Becky, Your blog has come to inspire so many to make a warm inviting place for our families and I think too for ourselves. It's a treat to visit at Buckets.

    I have to agree that even though as a Christian you understand in your mind that your loved one is with our Lord enjoying things we have yet to experience, it doesn't mean somedays are not filled with that great sense of loss. It's a reminder too when your friends are also dealing with their own ill parents or a recent death. Seeing them hurt quickens those raw emotions in your own heart. Life doesn't really prepare us to say goodbye to the ones that loved us first. However, your strength in the Lord will carry you through to better days - days when memories of those we've lost will bring more laughter than tears.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and glimpses into a lovely home.

    Kay - North Central Texas

  16. Lovely Table -Love the touch of green-the burlap finish-and clear glass- SImple-Sweet..
    Thanks for sharing Inspiration...

  17. Your table setting is so perfect and just inspirational....I have been feeling a little blah lately and have had no desire to blog....I lost my grandfather last year to cancer, it seems to affect everyone these days, a terrible thing for anyone to experience and praying for those who struggle with their losses! Have a lovely weekend! Xoxoxo ~Ashley

  18. Thank you my sweet sister...for sharing your need that so many of us have. I am so thankful we now have each other to take us through these hard times and so many other precious women as well.

    Now, can I just tell you that only you could put a piece of wood on a table and make it look like it was in a magazine? Your table is gorgeous. Like I have said before, it just seems like everything you do is effortless. Two words come to mind when I think of your decor...simply beautiful.

    My love to you!

  19. Prayers out to you and our sweet bloggy friends, Anne and Amy.
    Your table setting for fall was well worth the wait to see.


  20. I'm so glad to hear that your weather has turned cooler Becky. I for one hate to see Summer end, but end it must. I can only imagine the transition back to home schooling, but wished that that had been an option when my children were young. My daughter home schooled for four years and last year was the first time since the oldest was in fourth grade that they attended public school. They are doing so well and two of them were actually ahead of their grade level, which is a testament to home schooling I think.

    I am so sorry about your mom. I imagine you miss her everyday.
    My SIL died of cancer a year ago next month and it was devastating for here family. We miss her.

  21. Good to see you back. You are an inspiration and I am always impressed with your posts. keep on making sure you get personal time and I specially love this table setting. Stay strong.
    Hugs Cheryl

  22. I loveeeee your blog : ) I am 14 and I just started blogging My blog is Barn Dreamer
    ~ Emma ~

  23. Hi Becky,

    I know what you mean about not always being up to posting. I go through those times too. But it doesn't matter, you can always come back. I recently started following your blog, it's beautiful and you have great ideas.
    Praying for those affected with cancer as well. Happy Saturday!

  24. Beautiful tablescape, Becky! REALLY gorgeous! I hear ya on the transition from summer to home school. We have the same thing going on over here. :)

    You do such an amazing job with your decor and your blog. You inspire me!
    Keep my niece, Charis, in your prayers, too, please. She just finished round two of chemotherapy. She is four and has a long road to recovery.
    Much love to you!

  25. I love you and thank you for your prayers and love, my friend.
    Now we both have angels in Heaven watching over us.

    Love you,

  26. Beautiful colors.....
    Beautiful table......
    Beautiful post.......

    I am pryaing for all of you in these hard times.


  27. Becky, My heart is heavy as I read your post. I myself have dealt with cancer this year. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer last Dec. I had surgery in Feb. and currently I'm cancer free. I will go every 3mnths for check up for the next 5 years. It is a VERY lonely battle but we are not alone. I send you a HUGE hug and wanted to let you know that your table will be the inspiration for my Fall/Thanksgiving table this year. I Pintrest'd it. Thank you for everything you write.
    You're loyal reader. PS I wrote about my cancer journey on my blog as well and it helped me SO much too. Peace to you and your family ~ Deanna
    : )

  28. This is truly lovely. Your words, but also that table! Lordy! I'm in Kansas, and I wore a hoodie over the weekend, and now I need a table decorated just like yours!

  29. Before one year I also done same work on the Christmas days. Description and photographs, both you worked great, this is spectacular and exquisite as well as as eye catching.

  30. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Cancer is so hard. We just lost our Grandma on September 7 to cancer. But we know that she is rejoicing in Heaven with her husband and son ( both taken prematurely from cancer as well)
    This time of year can be hard saying good-bye to summer and all the fall business starting up again, but keep up the good work! You can do it! I love your fall table and your blog!! :)

  31. Hi Becky, Such a sweet post. I don't know how you home school and still have time to do anything. my hat's off to you for your dedication! Your table is perfect farmhouse goodness, fresh pears and hydreangas are a fave of mine! thanks for joining in for VIF, xoxo

  32. Lovely tablescape, precious post, darling Becky.
    Have a peaceful day

  33. Que hermoso blog!..comprendo como sientes al no tener a tu madre, y no lo dudes ,ELLA ES tu fan número uno desde el cielo. MI madre y mi hermano murieron de cancer de colón, van mis oraciones por todos los que la lo sufren.Perdon , que escriba en español.

  34. This is my first visit to your blog...and so glad I stopped by. You have a beautiful blog. I am so sorry you have lost your mom. Praying for those you are dedicating this post too.


  35. gorgeoussssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
    happy week,

  36. Greetings from Madrid.Congratulations on your blog! We love it.

  37. I love what you've done on your table the decorations is on perfect theme. thanks for sharing!

  38. I can't even imagine the pain you've gone through. My mum is alive, though with a heart condition and a lot of pain in her boneso due to hard work for many years. She's kínd of exhausted due to her heart and lately keeps saying she won't last long. I can't even think of it. If she dies...I'll just vanish after her. I won't be able to live without her. I'm single and no kids. There's exactly nothing to keep me here on this earth.
    I discovered your blog just yesterday and haven't done anything else since then. I'm from a tiny village in Spain (I now live in Madrid) so I've been in contact with burlap many times, the real one, the one that made sacks to keep wheat and so. I dis love it then and so do now. Thanks for a wonderful blog full of beautiful scenes. SHE'D BE VERY PROUD OF YOUR WORK.

  39. Really your blog is very nice to look and thanks for sharing these nice picture. We like burlap.
