Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Splash of Christmas Red

Hey my friends!
Happy December 1st!
Can you believe December is here?
This is officially the Christmas season, OH what fun :)

I wanted to share with you my Christmas decor for the kitchen.
It is quite different from my dining room (previous post).

This is the heart of our home, where so many fun memories are made 
this time of year.

Our children are still young, so there is Santa, a gingerbread party, 
homemade decorations, and little hands baking desserts galore.
I wanted to add splashes of Christmas red
to our usual white and neutral decor.

Continuing with my vintage motif,
I used zinc jar lids as candle holders in the windowsill.

Old vintage chicken feeders serve as the curtain rod above the window.
I also cut several branches of evergreen for here and there.

Check back in for more of the Christmas kitchen.
I'll be sharing how I display some treasures of our little ones,
our island, and open shelving.
I have some favorite recipes, too!

Are you decorating with color?



  1. Hey Becky! LUV your touch of red in your kitchen! And the idea of using the zinc lids as candleholders is GREAT! I'll also confess that I'm drooling over your industrial basket filled with burlap and linens......I'm stealing that idea, ok? lol!

    xoxo laurie

  2. I love the little chalkboard with Jingle Bells on sweet and the zinc lids make perfect candle holders. It's all about looking around.

    I am decorating more with neutrals this year as my home is very pastel, and red and green are a bit loud! I do like to add color in my kitchen though, like you.

    Happy Wednesday!


  3. Hi, Becky,so glad to meet you & happy you joined the party! Your house looks so festive. I love so many styles & can appreciate the rustic neutral look just as much as I love my style. Great job, it all looks wonderful!

  4. Must be the day for kitchens! I decorated my kitchen today also with a red and white theme - my favorite!

    I love all your touches of red sprinkled throughout the room. It really pops against the pale background. So lovely!

  5. I love the beautiful touches of red to a neutral palette. It is so pretty!

  6. The bits of red really pop with the neutral background. Like your idea to use the zinc jar lids. Way to think outside of the box. Fun and pretty!

    Happy Holidays!

  7. Love it Becky!! Hugs,Rachel ;)

    *French Farmhouse 425*

  8. I like your candles - they are perfect!



  9. Love it, how about some red and green blankets in that wire basket?

  10. Love all your ideas! Would never have thought about the chicken feeders as curtain rods.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  11. Um, can I be you when I grow up? I just feel so peaceful when I visit over here. So lovely!

  12. Very pretty! I just love seeing the splashes of red in with all the rustic goodness!!

  13. Just beautiful, I love the idea with the zinc lids as candle holders, great idea!
    I've changed from prim to shabby so there are some things that I still have to use this year.

    Love your home, you do a fabulous job!


  14. Everything looks fabulous Becky!!!
    Happy holidays to you.

  15. I'm pretty nuetral themed this year in decorating. But I always like a little red. It really adds!

  16. Great kitchen, love your repurposed stuff!

  17. LOVE the zinc caps for candle holders! GREAT idea, except mine are being used to make saurkraut right now. I'll have to get some more!!
    Love your decorating style: so clean but cheerful and fun!! Good to meet you. I'll be following! :)

  18. Looks like a great old fashioned Christmas. I love it.

  19. Have I seen that chicken feeder above the window before? I love it!
